Kyle Schliefer

"And the terrific Kyle Schliefer, playing older brother Jay, brings palpable leading-man appeal to the challenging role of a sensitive kid who's forced to navigate the treacherous turf of his grandmother's ancient hurts and grievances"- Peter Marks
Theatre Mania
"Kyle Schliefer handily turns Bigelow's friend Jigger into a ne'er-do-well Irishman, to extend the notion of the outsider." -Barbara Mackay
"Kyle Schliefer as newcomer with a thousand secrets Kane was phenomenal"- Michael Block
DC Theatre Scene
"...slimy Jigger Craigin (Kyle Schliefer, irresistibly snaky and manipulative as an Irish thug)"
- Jane Blanchard
"Kyle Schliefer somersaulted into our affections with his acrobatic dismount in "I Can Do That." You sure can!" - John F. Glass
A Chorus Line FAQ: All That's Left To Know About Broadway's Singular Sensation
"Kyle Schliefer incorporated some impressive tumbling moves into "I Can Do That," despite being substantially taller than most Mikes." -Tom Rowan
Broadway World
"Actors use mime (by David Leong) for the rest of the necessary props. In one scene, E. Faye Butler (as Mrs. Mullin) and Kyle Schliefer (as Jigger Craigin) mime to hilarious effect as they exchange imaginary cigarette smoke."- Barbara Johnson
" Most alluring here is the dancing, with supporting players such as Kyle Schliefer"- Nelson Pressley
Theatre Reviews Limited
"Kyle Schliefer finds all the necessary elements to create the acquiescent Kane, searching for love and identity and proving that only the meek shall inherit the earth."
-David Roberts
Theatre Review
"In addition, probably one of the best actors on stage was Kyle Schliefer as Jigger Craggin, whose small scene with Carrie in Act II contained some of the best acting moments in the entire show. In addition to being the only person whose accent added to his character, he played an evil character sympathetically and without judgment, an incredibly difficult task" -Patty Kavs
DCMetro Theatre Arts
"Jigger Craigin, the villain character of the story (performed with sleazy sex appeal by Kyle Schliefer)"
-Ramona Harper
Culpeper Times
"For dastardly curs, give me Kyle Schliefer as Jigger Craigin, Billy's degenerate friend.Jigger is so smooth, so intense and conniving even in the humorous sketch with Carrie, that he almost leaves slug trails. Even Billy can't resist his larcenous plan."- Maggie Lawrence